by Praveen M Joshi
Let us think of the time when we will be zipping across space in our own crafts.
Space Age settlements and travel, too, seem to have only got somewhat delayed but soon we are to work out the possibilities of ordinary folks flying into space.
To make those fruitful efforts that will lead to make Space Age settlements and travel possible , we will have to ideate first. Ideating requires inputs to be fed in our thinking engines. The sources of these inputs can be numerous and varied . We cannot afford to neglect any of these sources.
Broadly thinking, we can list these sources of thought inputs for ideation as intuition, imagination, dreaming, brainstorming, facts, fiction, realities, truths and numerous other things that occupy the domains of Human Knowledge available to us today!
The sub-domains and their contents comprising the total body of human knowledge available today are to be explored for the purpose being dealt herewith. And hence we cannot ignore Veda Samhitas that contain the revealed wisdom of the ancient Rishis. For , if we ignore, we will not access the Vedic wisdom . And this will prove to be having a partial access to human knowledge available up to date.
If we are to access The Vedic Wisdom we will have to access it with a clear focus on realising our purpose of making The Space Age settlements and travel possible.
But the question is do the Veda Samhitas contain anything worth contributing to our goal of realising The Space Age settlements and cargo and passenger Space Travel services ?
Why worry ? If they do not, we will be confirmed about after exploring the revealed wisdom in the Veda Samhitas.
And, if they do, we will be equipped with those things that will take us further towards our goal of making The Space Age settlements and Travel an everyday routine of living beings.
But we cannot expect any of these outcomes without a series of proper , thorough and scientific investigations in to the revealed wisdom of the Veda Samhitas.
So, let us explore The Revealed Wisdom of The Veda Samhitas !
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